This section can be used to supply:
- photographs of employees
- updated photographs for family members already in receipt of a card or pass issued by Rail Staff Travel
- photographs of active and retired employees and family members when specifically requested by Rail Staff Travel.
You cannot use this page to add family members to your rail staff travel record.
If you have not yet added a family member to your record, you need to apply for them using the forms on the Forms page providing the necessary proof of eligibility.
The photo
Your photo must be a standard passport size, taken with a digital camera or a smartphone, a JPEG at least 413 pixels wide by 531 pixels high, no larger than 250Kb and:
- In colour
- Only contain the image of one person
- Taken against a flat, plain, contrasting background (cream or grey)
- Taken within the last month
- Clear and in focus
- Close up of your head and shoulders.
- Facing forward and looking straight into the camera
- With a neutral expression
- Without any shadows in the picture
- With eyes open, visible and free from reflection or glare from glasses
- With your eyes not covered by sunglasses, tinted glasses, glasses frames or hair
- Natural colour
Photo Dimensions.jpg)
Photos do's and don’ts
The Photo will be rejected if:
- There is any item in the background or the background is not plain
- Your face is in full or partial shadow
- The image is too dark or too light
- The photo is a selfie
- The photo has filters applied i.e. a snapchat photo
- The photo does not comply with any other passport standard
A photo or scan of a paper passport photo is NOT acceptable.
Acceptable Photo

Unacceptable Photo Examples
Items in background and not a plain background
Out of focus
Full or partial shade
Not facing forward or looking into the camera
Incorrect colour
Not passport style - Not head and shoulders
Once you have pressed "Next" and move to the next page, you will be able to check your photo before you actually submit it. You may need to zoom in or out, or crop the image, and you'll need to ensure that the photo sits within the frame provided. This is to ensure that when it is automatically delivered to RSTL, it wil be in the right format and can be used.